“I have been working with Bonanza for the past 6 years and am now in a management role. This fulfilling position has taught me valuable skills that I use everyday and is a fun and unique experience that keeps you on your toes.”
— Andrea
“Working in the garden centre was a very fun experience! I enjoyed the fast-paced environment and working outdoors. Every day provided different new and exciting challenges. I look forward to returning for another season!”
— Stephanie
“Working at the garden centre was one of the most hectic, challenging and rewarding working experiences I ever had. I would recommend it to anybody as the ideal spring job.”
— Joshua
“Working at the garden centre has allowed me to work hard in the spring, while also giving me time to travel in the summers. This job has challenged me in a fast paced environment and taught me management skills that I can apply to many other aspects of my life.”
— Kodi
“Working at the garden centre is the most rewarding job I have had yet! Beyond gaining skills and knowledge with plants and gardening, I have also thoroughly enjoyed working as a team in the fresh spring air. I can’t believe I was able to wake up every day excited to work. It is truly and amazing experience to be a part of.”